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Friday, July 13, 2012

BUMPdate 6 weeks

Here's the growing little baby belly at 6 weeks. Much bigger than last week if you ask me! I am definitely feeling more pregnant this week, the nausea started a couple of days ago but hasn't been to bad so far. There have been a couple of times where I just did not feel well at all but thankfully it didn't last too long and it's just been off and on since. 

I'm going to go ahead and put this out there, I am predicting BOY this. All of my symptoms have been exactly the same as the last two pregnancies. I'm at the point where nothing sounds good except for fast food (I know, I know but it happens every time). I'll be nauseous knowing that I need to eat and I can't even think about eating anything but a cheeseburger and fries. I hope it doesn't last long cause I know that's not good for either me or the baby and I can't afford to eat out all the time SO for now I'm trying to choke down healthy stuff. The belly at this point looks pretty similar to how I've carried both of my boys, low and round. We'll see if my symptoms change at all over the next few weeks.

We have our first appointment next week and we'll be getting our first peek at Baby Baker # 3! I can't wait.


  1. Yay for cute little bumps! I was super nauseous at the beginning of my pregnancy, too. I seriously lived in the bathroom. Ugh. Have you tried/heard of Sea Bands? They supposedly help morning sickness.

    Yum, now I want a cheeseburger. Oh, gosh..

    1. I have never tried sea bands but if it gets worse I'll probably be up for anything seeing that I have two little guys to chase after! I'm hoping it only lasts two weeks just like my last two. And I could always go for a cheeseburger... its awful :)


  2. You are precious! So excited for your growing little family!

  3. baby bump! so cute! ahhh!!!

    come say hi at

    have a good day!

  4. I love it! Such a cute bump! :)

  5. Yayyy for a little baby (boy!!!)
    Though who knows, you might be surprised with a girl ;) hehe
    Do you have a name already picked out?


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