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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

From the left (standing): Aunt Becky, Uncle John, my Mom, my Dad, my Grandpa, my Grandma, my sister Kylie, my brother Tyler, me, Carter, and Kaleb.
From the left (sitting): My sister Beth, Oliver, my sister Kenzie, my cousin Adam, and my cousin Rachel.

Every year we go to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving and my Aunt, Uncle, and two cousins come up from Burbank to visit for a few days. It was a fun relaxing day full of good food!

We started our morning with cinnamon rolls and coffee!

Right after we headed to the store for ingredients, came home, and I slaved away in the kitchen making green bean casserole and cream cheese pumpkin bars. It was my first year contributing to the food portion and thankfully it turned out really good and there were no complaints. :)

Here's a little family picture. Next year we'll have three little munchkins! We're so excited!

Kaleb and I relaxing. 

Carter loved his Thanksgiving feast!

Oliver loved exploring my Grandma's house!

Carter....he melts me.

I love Oliver's belly hanging out in this one!

Oliver with his Aunty Beth (the one who's holding him) and his second cousin Rachel.

We absolutely love the holiday season and getting to see family. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving with their friends and family as well!


  1. It looks like you had a good holiday! Your kids are so adorable!!

    p.s. I've tagged you in a post of mine! Here is the link to it:


    1. Thank you so much!! I will definitely be checking out your post :)

  2. Thank you!! I really enjoyed spending the long weekend with all of them :)

  3. Just stopping by after reading your guest post on "moriah makes"! Loved your post and now I am most certainly following your blog! Love it!

    Blessings to you!


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