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Monday, October 8, 2012


I love that the boys have a room full of toys they love to play with during the day. We're finally getting their room to the point where it's a fun place for them to play and it's functioning well for the small amount of space we have in our condo. Here are some of my favorite pictures from playtime the other day...

Oliver's pirate face...

One of Carter's favorite toys...Bullseye from his all time favorite movie Toy Story...

The boys playing...Oliver is pirate boy head to toe....

They like to be in the same room playing together...

Oliver cheesin it up...I love his smile...

Carter is almost always smiling, he's such a happy boy!

I don't even know what they were doing but this picture cracks me up!

Oliver going through his animal basket...

Carter is really into Superman these days. He's always wearing a superman shirt or pants...

This is the cheesiest smile ever, he's normally just naturally smiling. I still think it's cute :)

This is my Oliver, almost always serious.

1 comment:

  1. Awe they are too cute! I'm your newest follower, just stopping by from the "Mom's Monday Mingle" blog hop. If ya get a chance, check out these blogs:


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