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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Disneyland Day Two

December 5, 2012

First of all, it was Kaleb's birthday!! He was excited to spend it enjoying the boys at Disneyland.
We spent our second Disney day at California Adventure. The boys favorite ride was Monsters Inc. which was also the first ride we went on for the day and we ended up riding it three or four times in a row since there was no line. Carter was very impressed! 

We stopped in Bug's Land and rode all of the fun little rides there while my Mom, sisters, and brother rode Tower of Terror. Normally Tower of Terror is my favorite ride to go on, especially with my family! Seeing that I'm pregnant I won't be riding that one for awhile...that's ok!

We found the only Starbucks in Disneyland and had to stop for some coffee! After riding every ride possible we hopped on over to Disneyland to ride Pirates of the Caribbean one more time and had dinner at an all you can eat bbq place since it was Kaleb's birthday!

Here's a little photo dump...

Monsters Inc ride...

Caterpillar ride in Bug's Land...

Carter LOVED the fishy carousel and had to show a little affection when we were getting off. :)

Piggy back ride with Papa...and maybe a little baby buttcrack...

Car's awesome!!

Oliver and Daddy...

Carter and Mama...

Sweet little Oliver in all of his pirate gear...

Hammin it up...

 Oliver fell asleep and Carter stayed wide awake to entertain us with his cuteness...

Exhibit A....

We got to spend some time together while one boy napped and the other entertained himself in the stroller. <3

Once both boys were up they were ready to go!

Oliver's "in awe" face...

Waiting in line for the ferris wheel...we went in the regular gondolas while my parents took Oliver in the swinging thanks!  

Kisses at the top...

Me and Cart enjoyed the (scary) views...

Oliver's pirate face...

What a silly...

We concluded the day with Small World since it was decked out with Christmas decorations and headed back to the hotel. Sadly we missed the fireworks show and the fake snow while we were on the ride, but it was worth it! Such a fun and exciting trip and we can't wait to go back when little Harper is born!

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE all the pirate things Oliver has. And, that Disney hat...perfect! Ahh, they are so beautiful. We've never been to Disney...hope to go one day. I've never even been .... so I'm not sure who will have more fun, me or the kids?! :D


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