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Thursday, May 23, 2013

1,000 Gifts...The First Five

My sweet friend Mandy from "She Breathes Deeply" shared the idea of listing 1,000 gifts via instagram! I totally love this idea because there are so many things (let’s just be honest here EVERYTHING) that I take for granted. This forces me to stop, even when I’m having a bad day, and assess what I am grateful for and dwell on that instead of being ungrateful and letting that completely ruin my heart and attitude! You can follow me on Instagram if you would like and if you’re not already my username is wkbaker ….

Number 01

I am so grateful for the gift of my husband! I take him for granted all too often and I don’t show him love like I should! He is my best friend and I’m so glad that God brought us together and meshed our lives into one! He has really used Kaleb to grow me and change me (still a work in progress cause I pretty much suck) and I learn so much from him.

Number 02

My daughter has only been in our lives for a few months but I am so deeply in love with her! God has truly blessed me with her and I can’t wait to see what He teaches me through raising a daughter. She's also one of the easiest babies ever! God totally knew what we needed when it came to giving us a daughter!

Number 03

I am so very grateful that we have food to put on the table at every meal! I can't imagine the feeling of desperation I would feel if I didn't have anything to feed my kids when they say they're hungry. My babies are able to grow up healthy and strong with this blessing. 

Number 04

I'm so grateful to live in a place where the weather is always pretty amazing! I would totally get depressed if we lived where there was months of snow. We're able to make sweet memories like the one pictured above....spraying the boys off with the hose and hearing them squeal and giggle on a hot day. We don't have to worry about crazy weather and a lack of Vitamin D. Very grateful!!

Number 05

I'm sure any Mama knows what I'm talking about with this one!! Unfortunately I'm immune to caffeine so I don't drink it for the energy boost, but something about it does "pick me up". It's a special treat to look forward to when I get up in the morning or in the afternoon when I'm wearing out. I love coffee!

I'll be posting more here soon so if you're not on Instagram you won't be missing out. Anyone is welcome to join in on the fun whether it's on Instagram or in a series of blog posts or even to yourself in a journal! This is such a great reminder to focus on what we're grateful for! I'm going to be reading the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp very soon. My husband just recently bought if for me and I'm so excited to start it!

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