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Friday, September 12, 2014

The Baker Babies

I really don't want to forget every stage that my kids go through so for memories sake here's an update on each Baker baby!

4 years and 9 months 

This boy just started his first year of preschool and is absolutely loving it so far! He is very eager to learn and make new friends. His teacher said that he loves to sit down and work on their lessons and is very attentive to his work.
Oliver is still very much into pirates and always has a sword or gun in his hands. His favorite color is blue and he loves to go outside to play. He is a very sweet, affectionate older brother. He naturally protects his baby sister and has nothing but cuddly affection for his new baby brother. His best friend is his brother Carter and they are always playing together. One thing Oliver is very much looking forward to is going to Disneyland this fall and riding on the pirate ride.

3 years and 8 months
This kid is always dirty and almost always smiling.
Carter looks up to and admires his older brother and is always looking forward to growing up to be a part of things like preschool. Carter just started Cubbies and absolutely loves it. His favorite color is green and he is completely obsessed with superheroes. His favorite superhero is Ironman with Spiderman coming in at a close second. He is always dressing up in his costumes and running around the house climbing everything pretending to have super powers. 
Every night he sleeps with his gigantic bear and wraps up in his Ironman blankets, these two things are must haves for Carter to go to bed.
Carter is really looking forward to our Disneyland trip this fall also and really really wishes he was tall enough to go on the Lightening Mcqueen roller coaster. He's been trying to convince me that I could "hold him really really tight" and everything would be alright.

1 year and 6 months

This baby girl is definitely the princess. She is well loved and protected being surrounded by brothers and has her Daddy (and Mama) wrapped around her little finger. She loves pretty outfits and accessories (such a girl) and her current obsession is the iphone. She loves to watch music videos on youtube and browse my Instagram. It is amazing what she has figured out and learned what to do on that thing!
This is my absolute favorite age! She's learning to talk more and everything is still new and exciting to her. I love watching her learn and figure things out. Harper is pretty relaxed and loves to sit back and watch her brothers go crazy but she definitely has a sassy streak. She has her own room and is the best little sleeper. She goes to bed around 9 or 9:30 every night and wakes up after 9 am every day. She eats more than both of her brothers combined and tends to be a little more picky than the boys were at this age. Having a girl has been so much fun and we all adore her!

3 months
This boy is squishy to the max and has the most kissable cheeks ever ever ever. He is not lacking in the love and attention department around here for sure. Each of his older siblings loves the kid to pieces, Harper especially. 
Sawyer has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. He goes to bed around 9:30 and wakes up around 6:30 am with the occasional sleep past 7 am morning. He eats every two hours throughout the day to make up for it and apparently I'm making half and half instead of regular milk this time around, the kids a butter ball! It's hard to believe that just three months ago he was 5 pounds and about the size of a chipotle burrito when he was all wrapped up. He's probably about 15 pounds now and wears 3-6 mo and 6 mo clothing.
He is a pretty smiley little kid and really lights up when his brothers or sister come over to talk and play with him. I think he'll be an early crawler because he can already scoot a little bit and is always looking like he's eager to get somewhere.

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